Casey Anderson,
Chair, Montgomery County Planning Board
Will Jawando, Montgomery County Councilmember
Sarah Reddinger,
VP Community Development, Habitat Metro Maryland
Michelle Winters, Executive Director, Alliance for Housing Solutions
Text/Chat from Session
00:33:13 Chris Perry: Link to THRIVE presentation?
00:38:12 Jason Sartori: Here's a link to the Thrive webpage, including a copy of the Planning Board's draft that was transmitted to the County Council:
00:50:54 Will Jawando: Information on my ZTA 20-07 that would allow for Missing Middle/Attainable Housing in single family zones can be found here,,are%20tentatively%20scheduled%20for%20Feb.
00:59:38 Michelle Winters: •
01:12:05 Brian Goggin: Before we adjourn, could the panel please describe the next steps in the adoption and implementation of the Thrive 2050 plan?
01:12:58 Zac Trupp, GCAAR: Minneapolis has produced...…..3 units (so far)
01:13:55 Chris Perry: For CM Jawando: progress of his 2 bills?
01:15:09 Sylke Knuppel: Knowing that introducing density can be difficult with existing residents, what recommended methods do you have for gaining acceptance of missing middle?
01:15:32 Chris Perry: Has planning commission considered personal transport systems as an alternative to autos/mass transit?
01:16:59 Marilyn Levitt: I’m also interested in the answer to Sylke’s question above.
01:19:03 Michelle Winters:
01:22:03 Jason Sartori: Here is the link to sign up to testify or submit testimony to the Council:
01:23:18 Events 1: Thank you all for joining!
01:23:18 Nancy Rhyne: Thank YOu